Monday 20 October 2014

Raise Your Vibration

         I get asked this question often. " So how does one go about raising vibrations effectively?"
Well actually I think a lot of people try to over complicate this. It is actually simple! The only difficult thing some people face I believe is the fact that they don't do it consistently, their habits, behaviour, thoughts and actions aren't consistently that which resonate with higher vibes.
The most important thing is to make a positive habit out of  doing these simple  things and easy ways in which to raise your vibration on a daily basis:

  • Positive self talk. Whether this is positive affirmations starting with I AM then adding something positive afterwards like I AM Happy. I AM going to have a day. I AM strong. Make sure the words after I AM are always positive. So don't try to use it as a passive aggressive statement where by another person could be directly or indirectly affected in a negative way. Because then that is actually not raising your vibration at all. And it won't be good for you either.

  • Pay 3 compliments to 3 strangers. Yes this sounds odd. But actually by projecting positivity and good thoughts, and saying nice things to others... well you will be positive too. As what you project is projected onto you.

  • Listen to music which either has no words or the words are positive ones. So much of today's pop/hiphop/rap/rock music has negative words, or certainly negative undertones or subliminal messages which aren't good. I suggest listening to high vibe melodic soft trance music, classical music, piano tunes which are mostly in C-E are good for dispersing negative vibes away.

  • Smile, laugh even if you don't feel like it. Even if you fake it. This sends signals to your brain that you're happy, and the brain releases endorphins as response which will actually elevate your mood and therefore raise your vibration.

  • Move! Dance!

  • Get some crystals and leave them around the house they're so good for getting rid of low vibes. make sure you wash them often to remove any low vibes they may have

  • Be kind to yourself. Write down lots of good positive things about yourself and leave them around the house.

  • Never ever let other's attitude, behaviour or words change your mood. If you feel a bit down or peed off with someone, don't! why would you let them affect you in any way?

  • NEVER blame anyone else for your problems or if you're  not happy with something in your life.. don't place blame. That just makes you a victim. Take responsibility for yourself and see how much better you feel. If you're always blaming others for the way you feel, or how your life is, then how are you supposed to change anything.

  • Never dwell on the past. If you're always or more often thinking about the past, what you could have done, what ifs, getting annoyed with this or that from the past.. well all you're doing is creating a stagnate energy in your present life! Because you're telling the universe you're stuck in the past and aren't ready to move on. You need to work hard on staying in the present. 

  • If or when negative thoughts come up, let them .. just don't follow them. Don't pay attention. Don't get caught up in it basically.  Just think of negative thoughts as that needy, drama queen type of person... it tries to get your attention.. but if you don't.. it goes away! Let the thoughts arise, then think of something nicer. In general don't get stuck in any low vibe emotions.  It takes practice.. so consistency  is important.

  • Be kind to yourself, love yourself, respect yourself. But Also be kind to others too. You will never raise your own vibration if you're acting low vibe towards others. If someone isn't high vibe themselves, or are negative.. and you can't deal with them.. just stay away from them.. if that isn't possible.. say something nice to them.. maybe that's just what they need. You don't have to be friends with them so you can still limit your contact but it's just about managing the situation especially if this person is someone you work etc

  • Most importantly.. learn to listen to your intuition. Learn to centre yourself. Make a daily habit out of clearing yourself of any low vibes.

  • Don't say things like " I'll be happy once this happens or that happens.." BE HAPPY NOW! In this moment. Prepare for the future, but never let your happiness depend on something else.

  • Change your perceptions! things happens for a reason. You may not see the reason now.. but in time you will. Changing your perception and being a more optimistic person is a good way to live high vibe. And once you're living high vibe daily.. then things tend to change and be good anyway! Think of disappointments as stop gaps in the path of life. Life does test us to teach us to help us. So see it in that way, see what you can learn from each situation. Being high vibe and raising vibrations is a way of life. It's about all aspects of life. It isn't just a spiritual new age fad. And to begin this all you have to do it change your perception to a different more positive one.. apply to all aspects of your life...soon enough you will see the difference.

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