Saturday, 25 October 2014

No News is Good News

I'm sure everybody would agree the news is more often or almost all the time bad!
Do you watch the news? Read the papers? I don't - not anymore! Why? I will explain and perhaps you will see by the end of this post how much better you would feel if you did the same thing :)

Ok,  as you know my blog is all about raising vibes to a higher frequency. The news and mainstream media is a part of daily life. It would be good if this was used to help motivate people, raise the mood for the masses and basically report the truth, huh? Who knows perhaps one day soon it will be like that!

But instead it's used as  platform for propaganda either for war and or promoting false flag operations as truth ( false flag is when they make up a story to start a war to get the public on side for their cause) this stories are always low vibe too.

I find these recent stories more and more ridiculous.. I won't go into any of them.. but I'm sure you know the ones I'm talking about. I certainly don't want to give their stories any attention. Because the mainstreams' influence is world wide and it is huge. It's actually pretty much a monopoly whichever newspaper you prefer.. or what channel you like.. it's all different branches of the same tree.

So, just as we must be mindful about what products we use on our skin, what food we eat, how we think to raise our vibration.. we must also be very aware and particular about what we watch, what we read, especially with the news.

So if you see the world as a malleable reality.. and that these beings/people who have been running the world know this too... The thing is they knew this a very long time ago ( about frequency/ vibration) and used it against the people
.. so the rest of the people are only just starting see parts of the truth.. yes this is gaining momentum and this is why their stories are getting faker and their agenda transparent.
Because I think the news has always been this way, so always been mostly fake or set up as a way to a cause or build support for a  cause or campaign. But it's only our knowledge of the truth and how they work now that makes it so obvious that is fake. They haven't changed. We have. So don't help the wicked the oppressors! Don't buy into to their reality. Don't believe them.

Whether you believe this or not is neither here nor there. Because everyone can agree on this: the news is mostly ( 98% estimate ) bad. So in order to help ourselves, feel better, raise our vibration.. it is best to avoid the news altogether. Just think of it this way, you won't ever miss very important or crucial news.. there'll always be someone who'll tell you about it! But it's better to avoid the mainstream news, papers on a daily basis.

Also if you're annoyed with the system, the world and how its run. Then the best way is to pay no or minimal attention to anything 'they' want you to believe or think. Right?

Instead try and find publications that are more high vibe.. there are some out there. But anything mainstream is just full of bad news, propaganda  and its main purpose is to keep the frequency in a certain vibration .. which isn't positive. So if you want a positives life, if you want to raise your vibration.... stop reading the paper.. stop watching the news.

You know these people who live in the middle of nowhere.. with no access to technology or mainstream media.. are so happy. There must be a reason for that.

Here's hoping one day soon .. the media will use its influence to better the world, promote peace not war. Evoke hope and faith not fear.

The world IS a good place. They just want to make it appear like it isn't. Maybe they're making more stuff up because if they didn't there would be NO news to report, other than people just happy getting on with their lives.

                                                                no news is good news

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