Friday, 24 October 2014

High Vibe Cosmetics ( unisex)


Can cosmetics be high vibe? Of course! The more natural a product is the higher its vibration.
Especially when cosmetics are not tested on animals which in itself is quite low vibe due to the suffering it causes during its production process.

And actually these products which are high vibe are not only better for the environment ( high vibe) they are not tested on animals ( high vibe) most of their packages are recycled ( high vibe )
and last but not least they take better care of our skin / hair / bodies by having much more lovely natural stuff in them ( high vibe again!)

It's amazing just by using a more natural face crème or shampoo for example you can instantly feel nicer, refreshed and you've just slightly raised your vibration! So easy.

Here are some of my favourite high vibe cosmetics and beauty products shops: LUSH Cosmetics and The Body Shop

For example the Lush solid shampoo bars! They smell super amazing and they're made of natural ingredients and are self preserving. All Lush product are handmade too. Lovely!

You get back from work.. had a long tiring day maybe your boss annoyed you.. shake those low vibes off as soon as you get home! For extra high vibes... have a relaxing bath with these yummy bath fizz bombs from Lush:

And last but not least The Body Shop body Sorbets... wow.. these are just divine! Much lighter than the body butters. ( which I still love) but these sorbets are just lighter, and much less drying time..

                                                                    My favourites:

So you see it's these little changes to every aspect of daily life.. that can really add up to help you feel great, and raise your vibration.
And you certainly don't need to be a spiritual guru to make little changes to your daily life to raise your vibrations to a higher frequency for a better quality of life. To be more the authentic you :-)

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