Thursday, 16 October 2014

How to have a 'high vibe' relationship

What does high vibe mean really?


High Vibe person:  is  basically someone operating on nicer emotions, feelings thoughts and actions consistently and more often than being in low vibe emotions. It's finding that balance. So that neutralised state is a good place to be most of the time.
Humans emotions are natural and so are more lower vibe emotions like, anger, sadness, regret etc
Although I believe they 'shouldn't even be natural. As I believe humans have been reconditioned to have these low vibe emotions. But I'll discuss this topic further in another post soon.
The main thing to be more high vibe, is to not be in these low vibe emotions for too long. So it is ok if you feel a bit angry every now and then, when that happens observe your thoughts and get into a daily routine of training your mind to be fully in the moment especially when any low vibe emotions or feelings are about!
It will take work, it won't happen overnight. But with the right intentions and dedication. You can make your thoughts, feelings more nicer and positive and therefore more high vibe.
this can be applied to all aspects of life, for a generally more positive life.

So today, I will discuss How to have a high vibe & harmonious relationships ( any kind of relationship/friendship)

I speak to so many people daily as part of my work, with regards to relationships. It is the number one topic people ask about. Now these simples ways in which to have a high vibe relationships can be applied to any kind of relationship, not just romantic ones. So friendships, professional  relationships etc.
low status / high status
Ok, you may be surprised when  I tell you in this case, it is actually the person who is ' low status' who will end up ' high vibe' especially in a conflict or argument / disagreement.
Here's how it works:
Say you're having an argument with someone, it could be your girlfriend/boyfriend/ boss/friend
they're shouting at you, talking loudly telling you all the things you've done or said wrong and that they're very much in the right. This is typical 'high status' person.
They expect you to do the same, and this is probably what they want. To get a reaction from you. High status people tend to be domineering and very sure of themselves and they operate mainly from the Ego. They Ego is very much a low vibe place. The Ego gives off the impression of being very confident self assured when actually it's quite scared and shouts louder to self preserve and protect itself.
The only way to diffuse such a situation and stay in high vibe and don't get dragged to their level is this:
  • Don't react ( don't shout back, don't get angry)
  • Let them say their bit and say nothing or say something like: "Ok, sorry you feel that way"
  • Speak to them only very briefly and in a calm manner / tone
This works every time. You might annoy them a bit more at first, because they really wanted a reaction or an argument to please their scared Ego. But because your non reactions and calm manner leave them nowhere to go, they start to feel slightly foolish and therefore will walk off saying nothing or put their head down in shame and  actually realise they were being unreasonable. Sometimes they calm down so much and start apologising. That's a bonus!
The Ego will always tell you that in a conflict situation, you need to fight back, shout louder. Well of course, because it is the Ego that is offended!
So you see by being a ' low status' one can actually be elevated to high vibes, in these situations.
This is such an easy and effective way to have good, high vibe relationships. And remember, if you're really annoyed because someone insulted you, it is not YOU who got offended. It was your EGO!
And tell yourself you are not defined by someone else's opinions no matter what they may be.
Also remember this: only unhappy people insult others or try to start arguments or cause conflict. So don't join them!
In order to have high vibe relationships. Only clear communication whilst calm will work. Nothing good will ever come out of an argument.
Exclusive to romantic relationships
I always get this question in my readings : "why hasn't he/she contacted me. I feel so frustrated /upset. it's been a while and no contact."
This is a relationships that is not in balance. The person who is basically ignoring the other has elevated themselves by leaving the other with no communication. Because the person being ignored will be in low vibe emotions such as frustration, hurt, angry, upset. Whilst the other person, is feeling happy in control, because more often than not, the person being ignored gets so frustrated and ends up contacting the other only to be ignored furthermore. This is a game of will. The person ignoring you is doing for one or more of these reasons:
  1. They like to be in charge and only do things when it suits them ( this is a red flag, and you don't want to be involved with such person anyway)
  2. They are playing games, testing the water to see how much you actually care for them ( so if you will contact them instead etc)
  3. They place other things / people in a higher priority than you ( again if you've known this person for a long time, this is another red flag.
  4. They are trying to phase you out
  5. This is what you do: Do NOT contact them at all. Pay no attention to them whatsoever.
 This is how you can decipher which one of the people above is this person after you have used the no contact method:
Scenario 1 as mentioned above:  This person may contact you but do it much later. So say you have not contacted them at all, they will contact you only weeks or couple of months later with a very blaze tone of a message. Because they only do things when it suits them and everything they do will seem half hearted. Their message will have a rude tone to it. Like how dare you ignore them, when it should be then ignoring you. They won't give much away.
Scenario 2: This person is more likely to contact you after noticing you've gone quiet after a short time, say within a few days or a week. Because this person usually likes you, but is only playing games or just waiting to see if you'll come forward first etc. So when you stop contacting them, they'll get worried and make a contact being extra nice and trying to make plans to meet up with specific dates etc.
scenario 3: This person will contact you because he/she sort of like you, but just not as much others! So they will contact you after you have stopped contact, again within 2-3 weeks, so not that quick but also not taking a very long time like scenario 1. Their message will be  a bit more friendly, it will be very short and they will generally not ask you much about you, they'll talk more about general things like what's been going on with them, and generally they won't make specific plans to make more contact or meet up etc. So they will say things like; " you should meet up soon" but no specific dates.
scenario 4: they will be glad you have got the message and won't be making any contact with you again. ( this one is very clear!)
But once you do this, at least you know where you stand and can feel a bit more happier, because you're not relying on someone else to make you happy by contacting you etc. You are doing it for yourself and will feel more in control. Because the best high vibe relationship you should have first is with yourself! love yourself / respect yourself.


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