Friday, 17 October 2014

Healing Fibromyalgia through high vibe living

There so many illnesses that medicine has not got clear answer for and hasn't come up with finding a correct way to heal through medicine or treatment.
A lot of these illness are autoimmune related illnesses. For example Fibromyalgia, there is no real cure for this. Why? Because it's not actually an illness that originates from the body. It is caused by a mind and spirit that is and has been within low vibes for extended periods of time.

This is why doctors are baffled by a lit of these autoimmune illnesses. Everything is connected, mind, body and spirit. And if one areas is unbalanced it will slowly start affecting the others. So it is no wonder doctors tend to prescribe low dose anti depressants for a physical illness such as fibromyalgia.

So here are some easy ways to minimise or even ( after some time) eliminate the effects of fibromyalgia through just focusing more on your state of being. If not at least you will manage it more and be able to have a better quality of life  ( please note this article is for guidance only, it is an alternative therapy. I have no medical training. Always consult your doctor.)

  • Try to avoid overly crowded busy areas where there's lots of stressed out people about ( if you can't avoid this, because you have to travel on public transport during rush hour. Then make sure you listen to some calming high vibe music

  • low vibe foods such as processed unnatural foods, anything with hydrogenated fat, tend to make fibromyalgia worse. So eat as natural and healthy nutritious food as possible

  • another thing is correct clothing for cold whether. Wearing clothes that keep you warm but are more natural fabrics so you don't over sweat are better for managing body temperature. Otherwise getting hot, cold and then clammy sweaty then going outside getting cold again then hot again when indoors, is a sure way to upset your fibromyalgia!

  • This may sound odd, but try not to watch low vibe TV or films  such as horror anything with too much shouting , violence etc. These things have very low vibes and it can affect the body and mind negatively and even cause cellular damage! You might find if you watch this you get tired more, or have more pain in your sensitive pain points. So best to avoid. Instead watch a nice comedy, good dramas, inspirational films.

  • Avoid conflicts, arguments anything where there's low vibes words, feelings and behaviour is dominate. Avoid those as much as you possible can!

  • Also too much time spent in front of computer screens is not good for fibromyalgia either. So try and take regular breaks, stretch your legs. There are screens you can buy to put over the screen which will minimise these harmful electromagnetic radiation getting through.
If you do these things every day or on a regular basis and add in some light exercise daily like walking, or just dancing around to an upbeat song, swimming is perfect for fibromyalgia too, you will start toy notice a difference. At least you will be able to manage it more.

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