Sunday, 26 October 2014

Power of forgiveness

What does forgiveness mean? Does it mean that if you forgive, what was said to you or done which hurt you was ok? NO! True forgiveness is to be able to move past a negative experience, without holding onto all those horrible emotions which go hand in hand with resentments and holding grudges. You should forgive only for your own peace of mind and certainly doesn't mean what was said or done was ok. But only that you value yourself, your happiness and peace of mind so much and that you would never let anybody.. especially someone who clearly doesn't have respect for you, disturb your peace or happiness.

Also you can't change someone else, their ways, or lacks of understanding and tolerance for others. Very often those who are unkind, rude, arrogant and blind to other people and their emotions, have more issues and problems. These are the people who are hurting so much themselves and yet deny their feelings so they try to project that, and thus failing, why do they fail, because of karma and of course the power of forgiveness. Know that karma is a very real thing and what they put out there will always go back on them anyway. How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours. So don't add to your karma by trying to mirror them.

When you are resenting someone or holding onto anger, frustration or negativity from a certain situation, you're hurting yourself more in that. You cannot ward off negativity with frustration, anger, resentment.. those just fuel it and why should you even allow that happen, since the other person was the one who caused you to feel this way?

Turn it around. Turn a negative into a positive. You can always learn something from any situation, be it bad or good. if it's a bad one, use that as an experience to turn it into a positives message in how to not be in those situations.. for yourself for future reference and also for others. Think of these situations as a way to have more wisdom in life. Wisdom is always a good thing.

Forgiveness doesn't mean you are weak. It means you are SO strong, so strong willed that you know and believe in yourself and you don't need to let your thoughts fester with negativity especially because of someone who obviously doesn't deserve the slightest bit of your attention.

I know this from many experiences. I feel more happy and victorious when I turn a negative in a positive and gain wisdom. Even when others have been so out of line and rude. I know only positivity can ward off negativity. And that anyone who tries to do or say anything out of line.. well.. Karma takes care of that pretty quickly too.

I forgive because I am strong. I am worthy. I am at peace with myself. I am true to who I am.

Because I deserve happiness and harmony. I forgive because I like myself. I forgive because other's opinions don't define me. Because negative experiences don't define me, they strengthen me. They make me wiser.

By forgiving I allow myself to be rid of all negativity to do with that situation / experience. I make my life more harmonious.  When I forgive myself I allow positivity to flow into my life and as  a bonus I gain a little more wisdom from my experience.

Forgiveness doesn't mean what the other did was ok. Forgiveness doesn't mean you still want to talk to or have the other in your life. Forgiveness does not mean they deserve it. I forgive because of who I am, because these are my values. NOT because of the other.

True forgiveness is powerful because it helps to have a harmonious life over a chaotic one based around revenge and resentment. It brings peace. It brings calm. Forgiveness raises the vibration of the one who can forgive truly by staying true to high vibrational emotions and dealing with difficult situations with tolerance and understating & wisdom.

Just think of it this way; why should anyone who has been unkind, mistreated you .. have any more of your time or attention?    Exactly.


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