Sunday, 30 November 2014

How to stop thinking about someone

A lot of my clients always tell me they can't get someone out of their head even though it was an ex that they haven't spoken to in years.

Are you experiencing this right now? Would you like to stop thinking about him / her?

Well, the reason you are over thinking about he /she is because you still have energy cords with them and a connection which isn't positive. IF you have a natural lovely and tender love between you that's a kind of connection that won't be intrusive and you won't find yourself OVERLY thinking of that person an that kind of natural love can NEVER change

BUT if you find yourself with intrusive thoughts of another this is NOT healthy. And you really should stop this...

It's nice to think of a loved one and have them sort of at the back of the mind with sweet loving feelings with it. But you should never be obsessing about ANYONE. If you are, here is what you can do to stop thinking about that person, in 3 simple steps:

1) If you suddenly thinking of someone and it doesn't make you feel good. See that person in front of you as in your imagination or mind's eye. Then see a door in between you and as you go to close the door on this person say this "Ok ( their name ) I realise we may be connecting. But I AM not ready for this. Please leave Now." and then shut the door on them. Keep doing  this every time  you think of this person in a way which feels like it is being imposed on you and isn't nice and they soon get the message.

2) See this person in front of you about 40 feet away in front... then imagine any energy cord between you and ask the universe to help you and your guardians.. to help you cut these cords with the best intention and for your highest good. Just imagine scissors in your hand or you can use real scissors in your hand and make the motion of the cord cutting for extra effect do this daily for positive results.

3 ) IGNORE them. Yes that easy. Once you have done the first 2 steps you will find it much easier to simply ignore this person anytime they cross your thoughts. Also be fully in the moment as this helps to be focused and allows you to get rid of unnecessary stuff, thoughts and distractions. Never give them attention don't follow the thoughts anywhere... just allow them to be then pass then simply forget and ignore.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Top 10 Cool Stuff To Expect When You Raise Your Vibration

So you've read my previous articles and watched the vids on You Tube about how to prepare before raising your vibration, how to raise your vibration and now I am going to discuss what to expect whilst you are doing this..

I like to call this phase: the transition

This is always a weird time. So I am going to outline some of the things or phenomena you can expect to happen whilst you are transiting from the old lower timeline to the new higher vibe.

As you can imagine this is somewhat an unsettling time for most. So the first thing to make sure is that you are grounded and fully staying in the moment especially when you may be feeling slightly wobbly when in between two vibrations / dimension

Top 10 cool stuff to expect once you raise your vibration:

1) Time Lapses and time speeding up really fast ( this happens when you have just changed your vibration to a huger one.. so it shouldn't last long. But it's quite cool when it happens. So don't let it worry you. It's normal. Higher vibes generally move faster so hence when your make that transition, you will feel the speed of time but soon you get used to it) You may even notice a time lapse. For example, time jumps anything up to few hours in a matter of seconds, as in by looking at your watch etc)

2) Serious De Javu  ( Ok this one can be a bit odd you feel you have been there before or you can tell what is about to happen and it does. Again this is normal and I feel it has do with the fact that in fact time doesn't exist and when you are in between vibration you can experience a past timeline of your own current life or even a past life timeline.. it's all cool.)

3) You see strange looking people that don't look quite like what you knew before ( for example you may see people who look human but much bigger, and taller so up 7 foot or they just have a different feel to them or may feel alien to you, again don't be afraid it's just the new vibration version of the people you knew before. I noticed around me people kept changing heights in different realities, some looking more younger and vibrant in higher dimensions too)

4) You don't sleep or eat as much and you operate great so it doesn't adversely  affect you ( this is really cool. As you raise your vibration.. as this is  a higher faster dimension everything is therefore lighter so less need for food and sleep your body and mind operate more efficiently  in higher vibes so naturally less need of sleep too.)

5) You feel inspired and know exactly what you want to do in life whereas before you could have been more sluggish and confused

6) you have a love for all living beings nature the universe and find it hard to get angry or upset at the things you easily got angry about before

7) You love yourself more you are kinder to yourself and see yourself in a better light

8) People around you and in general are nicer, friendlier and the whether is generally nicer, brighter even in winter

9) You meet more and more new people who look so familiar to you yet you don't know them

10) You love life and want to help others.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

A sure way to find your true path

Ever wondered if you're on the right path?

Maybe your life is a bit stagnated right now. You know you want to make a change but not quite sure if that's the right way or if it's the right path.

Well there's a sure way to find out if you're on the right path or not. And this is through Synchronicity. There are many signs daily which indicate to us if what we're doing is right or wrong. Many of us miss this. I guess most are so busy they don't pay attention to synchronicity. But once you are aware that it even is there, you begin to notice the signs more. And the more you notice it, the stronger it gets.

So how does it work?

So once you have raised your vibration properly, synchronicity will also get stronger anyway because it's all about being at one and in synch with the Universe, so obviously once you vibrate higher, the signs from universe also stronger and more noticeable.

Case study ( hypothetical)

Say for example, you're looking to make a career change a change of job, because your current job is a bit stagnated and not going anywhere. Say for this article's sake, you want to go into a different industry or do something new retrain but not sure what. So you are currently a Graphic Designer but you want to retrain to be a Lawyer, so very different. And naturally have your concerns about this big change...

If this is the 'right' choice for you. And you are in sync and at one with yourself, you will notice more signs from the universe telling you a new career in law will be good for you and the right choice. So suddenly everywhere you go, you notice more people talking about legal matters, it could be just passers by you hear talking. You see more adverts around or on TV for legal claim businesses. You turn on the TV and there's legal drama which hasn't been on TV for years. You then get a friend asking you if you know of any good lawyers because they need some legal help with something... you then come across an article in a magazine about a person who will be much similar to you in gender or looks who had a successful career change which was a drastically different to what they were doing before.. these are all signs and they're always there.. you just need to start noticing and being aware to 'hear' them.

So you see, this is how synchronicity works. But also it works the other way too, so if something is NOT right, then the signs won't be there in sync with what you're thinking and or your may have lots of difficulty in making that change which are signs telling you, wrong way!

It's a beautiful l thing and it makes me smile daily.

Thursday, 13 November 2014

How to deal with undesirables

Today I will discuss some simple tips on how to deal with undesirables!

What do  I mean by this? Undesirables can be basically any person  or situation that doesn't resonate with your vibration. So once you have raised your vibration, how do you then deal with people who haven't? By that I mean people who are constantly rude, obnoxious and basically you don't want to be around them because they are negative.

Once you raise your vibration, you should see less and less of these sort of people but perhaps sometimes you may find there are still a few. First things first; NEVER treat these people as they are. ALWAYS treat them and the situation as you are. So as the you who is higher vibe more positive person. Once you have raised your vibration enough, you really won't be bothered by such people anyway. So it should be easy to just ignore them, which is the best thing to do actually.

If you can't ignore them, then you can certainly limit your contact as much as possible and if you have to talk to them because they're a colleague or something, then best way to deal with them is these 5 simple tips:

1) stand at least 5 feet away from them - this is because the human aura is around 4 feet or so surrounding the body.. so you certainly don't want to stand anywhere close to their aura ( because they're negative)

2) cross your legs and cross you arms and place them over the top of your stomach - this is to help close your chakra system whilst you are talking to this person so again you aren't affected by any negative projections or thoughts etc from this person

3) don't look directly at them - so look just above their heads rather than into their eyes ( again this is make sure the conversation is very short and not getting into any depths)

4) Place your feet away from the direction of this person - this just sends a subliminal message that you really don't have any time to stay and talk and this conversation will be very short

5) Don't react to any stupid or negative comments they may say - just make your excuses and do something else and better yet leave the conversation/situation

It's all about managing daily life whilst raising vibrations. And making sure you're not affected or deterred by others' behaviours in general or towards you ~